THE Newsletters: 2024-25
- New fence at THE
- Dates for your calendar
- Office reminder: Absences
- Love & Logic workshop
- Upcoming THE music concerts and all-district choir festival
- PTA news
- Ready! For Kindergarten
- Principal's message
- Dates for your calendar
- Schools closed Jan. 20 for MLK Day
- Dismissal and parking
- STEM Fair
- Attendance awareness
- Save the date: Community Cultural Event, April 26
- PTA News
- Ready! For Kindergarten dates
- Be a part of the spring production of The Little Mermaid Jr.
- Step 1: Submit an online-only interest form
- Step 2: Mark your calendars!
- Step 3: Prepare for your audition
- When will I find out my part?
- Rehearsals and other important information
- Questions?
- Happy Holidays from THE!
- Dates for your calendar
- December Spirit Week
- PTA news
- Inclement weather & weather appropriate attire
- STEM Fair project deadline
- Ready! For Kindergarten Winter Sessions
- Community Dinner: 12/14 at Sumner High School
- Message from the principal
- Dates for your calendar
- Holiday shop
- 4th/5th grade concert: Dec. 4
- THE's Production of The Grinch
- Inclement weather and appropriate attire
- PTA News
- Community Dinner at SHS
Archived Newsletters
2023-24 Newsletters
- We made it! Message from the principal
- Dates to remember
- Last day of school early dismissal: June 18
- End of Year Car Parade
- Kinder camp for incoming THE kindergarteners
- Key dates for 2024-25 school year
- PTA News
- Dates for your calendar
- Testing schedule at THE
- 2024-25 Kindergarten Registration
- PTA News
- Free Dental Day
- Positive Parenting Workshop
- Dates for your calendar
- Testing schedule at THE
- Community Cultural Celebration: April 20
- Lost and found
- 2024-25 kindergarten registration
- PTA News
- Positive parenting workshop
- Elementary conferences: early release March 27-28
- Dates for your calendar
- Disabled parking at THE
- Spirit Day: March 29
- Kinder/first grade spring concert: May 8
- 2024-25 Kindergarten Registration
- Kindergarten round up
- Community Cultural Celebration
- Yearbooks on sale
- PTA News
- Love & Logic at THE
- Dates for your calendar
- Spring Pictures
- 2nd/3rd Grade Conference
- 2024-25 Kindergarten Registration
- PTA News
- March 21 Lahar Drill
- Love & Logic at THE & EHE
- June 2023
- May 2023
- April 2023
- March 2023
- February 2023
- January 2023
- December 2022
- November 2022
- October 2022
- September 2022
- August 2022
June 2023
May 2023
THE Trail Guide: 5/26/23
Posted by SBLSD on 5/26/2023
- Dates for your calendar
- Kinder and first grade music concert
- Warm weather is here!
- PTA news
THE Trail Guide: 5/11/23
Posted by SBLSD on 5/11/2023
- THE to serve as staging site for portables
- Dates for your calendar
- Kinder and first grade music concert
- Warm weather is here
- SBLSD Fun Run
- PTA News
- Ready for Kindergarten spring sessions
April 2023
THE Trail Guide: 4/27/23
Posted by SBLSD on 4/27/2023
- Dates for your calendar
- New intercom entry process
- PTA News
- READY! For Kindergarten Sessions
THE Trail Guide: 4/14/23
Posted by SBLSD on 4/14/2023
- Be Healthy Be Here
- Dates for your calendar
- New intercom entry process
- 2nd & 3rd Grade Music Concert
- PTA News
- The Market: Power Packs
March 2023
THE Trail Guide: 3/24/23
Posted by SBLSD on 3/24/2023
- Character Trait of the Month: Cooperation
- Attendance Rates
- Dates for your calendar
- Spirit Week: 3/27-3/31
- 2nd & 3rd Grade Music Concert: 4/27
- Yearbooks on sale now
- PTA News
THE Trail Guide: 3/9/23
Posted by SBLSD on 3/9/2023
- Character Trait of the Month: Cooperation
- Dates for your calendar
- 4th and 5th Grade Music Concert:3/23
- Spring Pictures
- Kindergarten Roundup: 3/22
- Yearbooks on sale now
- Right at School: Before- and after-school childcare
- PTA News
February 2023
THE Trail Guide: 2/23/23
Posted by SBLSD on 2/23/2023
- Attendance matters
- Dates for your calendar
- STEM Fair
- 2023-24 kindergarten registration
- PTA news
THE Trail Guide: 2/9/23
Posted by SBLSD on 2/9/2023
- Practicing Honesty
- Dates for your calendar
- Safety at arrival and bell schedule
- 2023-24 kindergarten registration
- Free Dental Day
- PTA news
January 2023
THE Trail Guide: 1/27/23
Posted by SBLSD on 2/3/2023
- Dates for your calendar
- Safety at arrival and bell schedule
- 2023-24 kindergarten registration
- 4th/5th grade volleyball
- PTA News
- Bonney Lake Food Bank
THE Trail Guide: 1/13/22
Posted by SBLSD on 1/13/2023
- Dates for Your Calendar
- No School: Martin Luther King Jr. Day
- Lose & Found
- Curriculum Showcase Night
- PTA News
- STEM Fair
- Free Dental Resource for Kids
December 2022
THE Trail Guide: 12/15/22
Posted by SBLSD on 12/15/2022
- Enjoy the break!
- Dates for Your Calendar
- Shrek Jr. The Musical
- Curriculum Showcase Night
- PTA News
THE Trail Guide: 12/1/22
Posted by SBLSD on 12/1/2022
- Message from the Principal
- Going Right Home
- Dates for Your Calendar
- Spirit Week
- The Grinch
- Needs Assessment for 3-5 Grades
- PTA News
- Inclement Weather Information
November 2022
THE Trail Guide: 11/18/22
Posted by SBLSD on 11/18/2022
- Message from Our Principal
- Dates for Your Calendar
- Volunteers Needed
- WatchDOGS Information
- Inclement Weather Information
- STEM Fair Project Registration
- Friendly Reminders
- Gratitude at THE
THE Trail Guide: 11/3/22
Posted by SBLSD on 11/3/2022
- Dates for your calendar
- Conference Week Schedule
- Volunteers Needed
- Friendly Reminders
- PTA News
- STEM Fair Poster Contest
- Community Big Give
- READY! For Kindergarten Fall Sessions
October 2022
THE Trail Guide: 10/20/22
Posted by SBLSD on 10/20/2022
- Dates for Your Calendar
- Showing Responsibility in Our Community
- WatchDogs Rescheduled
- Fall Conferences
- Veterans of Tehaleh Heights Families
- Spirit Week and Celebrations at THE
- SMARTWatches
- PTA News
- Community Big Give
THE Trail Guide: 10/6/22
Posted by SBLSD on 10/6/2022
- Principal's Update
- Dates for your calendar
- Thank you, NW Traffic Inc.
- Updating Student Information
- Character Trait of the Month: Responsibility
- PTA News
September 2022
THE Trail Guide: 9/22/23
Posted by SBLSD on 9/22/2022
- Dates for your calendar
- Spread the Love with K-Kids
- Late Start Mondays
- September is National Attendance Month
- THE PTA News
- Character Trait of the Month: Respect
- Wednesdays are THE Spirit Days! Wear your blue & orange!
THE Trail Guide: 9/11/22
Posted by SBLSD on 9/11/2022
- Tehaleh Heights Elementary Principal Message
- Dates for Your Calendar
- Don't Forget Late Start Monday
- Morning Meeting Starting September 19th
- Character Trait of the Month: Respect
- September is National Attendance Month!
- School Meals
- A Change to Arrival & Dismissal Loading Locations
- THE PTA News
August 2022
THE Trail Guide: 8/26/22
Posted by SBLSD on 8/26/2022
- Dates for your calendar
- Back 2 School Event
- School supplies
- Class placement
- Attention kindergarten families
- A change to arrival and dismissal loading locations
- Free and reduced meals
- Wednesdays are THE spirit days!
T.H.E. Trail Guide: 8/19/22
Posted by SBLSD on 8/22/2022
- Welcome to Tehaleh Heights Elementary!
- Dates for your calendar
- Back 2 School Event: Aug. 31
- Class placement
- Attention kindergarten families
- School office opens Aug. 24
- Wednesdays are the THE Spirit Days! Wear your blue & orange!
- June 2022
- May 2022
- April 2022
- March 2022
- February 2022
- January 2022
- December 2021
- November 2021
- October 2021
- September 2021
- August 2021
June 2022
Trailblazer News: 6/20/22
Posted by SBLSD on 6/20/2022
- Medications in the health room
- Yearbooks have arrived
- Lost and found
- The 4th Annual End of Year Car Parade
Trailblazer News: 6/17/22
Posted by SBLSD on 6/17/2022
- Last day of school
- THE 4th Annual End of Year Car Parade
- Juneteenth
- Robotics Camp for 3rd-5th grade
- From our THE PTA
- Summer kids backpack program
- 2022 Summer Challenge
Trailblazer News: 6/10/22
Posted by SBLSD on 6/10/2022
- Upcoming important dates
- Spirit Week June 13-17
- Notes from Nurse Karen
- Reminder: 5th Grade Parent Celebration, June 16
- From our THE PTA
Trailblazer News: 6/3/22
Posted by SBLSD on 6/3/2022
- End of Year Celebration, June 3
- Upcoming important dates
- Student dress policy
- 5th grade parent celebration
- A Note from the PTA
- Summer Kids Backpack Program
- Field Day fun
May 2022
Trailblazer News: 5/27/22
Posted by SBLSD on 5/27/2022
- No School: Monday, May 31, Memorial Day
- Upcoming important dates
- Arrival and dismissal reminders
- Can you help with Frozen props?
- SBLSD Fun Run, June 4
- A note from the PTA
- Middle school info for 5th grade families
- READY! For Kindergarten sessions
Trailblazer News: 5/20/22
Posted by SBLSD on 5/20/2022
- Upcoming important dates
- Arrival and dismissal reminders
- Can you help with Frozen props?
- SBLSD Fun Run
- Art docents and Watch D.O.G.S. are back!
- From the health room
- A note from the PTA
- READY! for Kindergarten spring sessions
- Counselor's corner
- Mental Health Awareness Event
- 100 Hall Art
- 300 Hall Art
- 400 Hall Art
- 500 Hall Art
Trailblazer News: 5/6/22
Posted by SBLSD on 5/6/2022
- THE PTA news
April 2022
Trailblazer News: 4/22/22
Posted by SBLSD on 4/22/2022
- Regional Lahar Exercise
- Note from Nurse Karen
- Kindergarten registration
- Friendly reminders
- THE PTA news
- Spiritwear on sale now
Trailblazer News: 4/8/22
Posted by SBLSD on 4/8/2022
- Kindergarten Open House
- Kindergarten registration
- Watch D.O.G.S. kick-off
- Friendly reminders
- A note from THE PTA
March 2022
Trailblazer News: 3/25/22
Posted by SBLSD on 3/25/2022
- No school next week: Spring Break
- Spring Picture Day
- Frozen auditions
- A note from THE PTA
- Kindergarten registration
Trailblazer News: 3/18/22
Posted by SBLSD on 3/18/2022
- Spirit Day: Monday, 3/21
- Spring conference week schedule
- Goodbye parade for Sandy Miller
- Frozen audition information
- Kindergarten registration
- Friendly reminders
- A note from your THE PTA
- Counselors Corner
- St. Patrick's Day art from first grade
Trailblazer News: 3/10/22
Posted by SBLSD on 3/10/2022
- Reminder: No School 3/11/22
- Upcoming important dates
- Kindergarten registration
- Bus-loop parade celebrating Mrs. Miller
- Friendly reminders
- A note from THE PTA
Trailblazer News: 3/4/22
Posted by SBLSD on 3/4/2022
- Upcoming important dates
- Friendly reminders
- Talent show auditions
- A note from THE PTA
February 2022
Trailblazer News: 2/25/22
Posted by SBLSD on 2/25/2022
- 100 Days of Kindergarten!
- A note from THE PTA
- Ready for Kindergarten
- SBLSD Virtual Hiring Fair
Trailblazer News: 2/18/22
Posted by SBLSD on 2/18/2022
- No school Monday, Feb. 21
- Attendance reminders
- Twosday: 2/22/22
- Kindergarten registration
- Ready for Kindergarten
- Counselor's Corner
- A note from THE PTA
- SBLSD Virtual Hiring Fair
Trailblazer News: 2/11/22
Posted by SBLSD on 2/11/2022
- Counselor Appreciation Week
- Attendance reminders
- 2022-23 kindergarten registration
- Last call for after school co-ed volleyball camp
- Thank you K-Kids
- From your THE PTA
- Counselor's Corner
- Kindness is cool!
Trailblazer News: 2/9/22
Posted by SBLSD on 2/9/2022
- Special message from Mrs. Miller
Trailblazer News: 2/4/22
Posted by SBLSD on 2/4/2022
- Kids keeping it cozy!
- Lost and found
- After school co-ed volleyball camp
- Friendly reminders
- From your THE PTA
- THE Kindness Campaign
- In search of:
- Class parent groups
- Counselor's corners
- Native American art
January 2022
Trailblazer News: 1/14/22
Posted by SBLSD on 1/17/2022
- Martin Luther King Jr Day
- Reminders
- Car loop pickup
- Masks
- Kindergarten enrollment
- Elementary Curriculum Showcase
- Counselor's Corner
- Note from PTA
Trailblazer News: 1/7/22
Posted by SBLSD on 1/7/2022
- Water bottles
- Dismissal
- Elementary Curriculum Showcase
- Counselor's Corner
December 2021
Trailblazer News: 12/17/21
Posted by SBLSD on 12/20/2021
- Winter Break
- Inclement Weather
- Counselor's Corner
- The Grinch Student Production
- Spirit Week Highlights
- A Note from the PTA
Trailblazer News: 12/10/21
Posted by SBLSD on 12/13/2021
- Morning Arrival
- Spirit Wear Week
- New Staff Announcements
- Counselor's Corner
- From the Third Grade Hall
- Note from PTA
Trailblazer News: 12/3/21
Posted by SBLSD on 12/3/2021
- Attendance
- Highly Capable Referrals
- Water Bottles
- Counselor's Corner
- STEM Classroom
- Best Wishes, Mrs. K
November 2021
Message to Families: 11/23/21
Posted by SBLSD on 11/30/2021
NO SCHOOL: Thanksgiving Holiday 11/24-11/26
THE is thankful for each and every Trailblazer family. We hope our Trailblazer families have a wonderful Thanksgiving break.
Our bright and shining diamond, Mrs. Miller, will be out of the office until January 3rd. We have Darla Offner from the district office helping while she is away. Darla specializes in elementary curriculum and we are thankful to have her at THE.
A huge congratulations to Mr Baldwin in 3rd grade, on being STAR 101.5's Teacher of the Week. The Hjorton family nominated him for his hard work and dedication to his students. Be sure to tune in to STAR 101.5 @4:55 pm today or 7:55 am tomorrow to hear all about it. Way to go Mr. Baldwin!
Our 4th grade classes have been busy creating their own balloon parade. Their balloons were on display in the hallway for all classes to view. Our 4th grade was also hard at work adding "thankful for" leaves to our tree in the stairwell.
We are hearing a lot of turkeys but we don't see any turkeys. We hope you enjoy our flock of Turkeys in Disguise as much as our Trailblazers. Way to STEP UP!
*New tie-dye SPIRITWEAR shirt options available, along with our most popular styles of t-shirts and sweatshirts for kids and adults! Check out! The ordering deadline for SPIRITWEAR is Nov. 30 - this is the last opportunity to order Spiritwear from the PTA until Spring!
*You shop, Tehaleh Heights benefits! Thanks in advance for your support of our PTA mission, our students, staff and school …*Pop into your account and select “Tehaleh Heights PTA” as your desired charitable organization and we’ll receive cash back on your eligible Amazon purchases!
*Link your Fred Meyer Rewards account to “Tehaleh Heights PTA” via and Freddy’s will make an annual donation to our PTA as part of their Community Rewards program!
*Visit and use the code “fundraisetehaleh” at checkout, and you'll receive 20% off your purchase AND Minted will donate 15% back to our PTA!
Want to know more about the Tehaleh Heights PTA? Visit! Questions or comments about the PTA? Contact
Message to Families: 11/17/21
Posted by SBLSD on 11/17/2021
Conference Week Schedule
WEDNESDAY 11/17- 9:00-12:15
THURSDAY 11/18- 9:00-12:15
FRIDAY 11/19- 9:00-12:15
MONDAY 11/22- Normal late start (10:35-3:45)
TUESDAY 11/23- 9:00-12:15
NO SCHOOL: Thanksgiving Holiday 11/24-11/26
We hope our Trailblazer families have a wonderful Thanksgiving break.
FOOD DRIVE: November 12-22
Here is a list of some of the items they need the most:
- Boxed Stuffing
- Canned Cranberry Sauce
- Boxed Instant Mashed Potatoes
- Gravy Mix
- Canned Fruits/Vegetables
- Canned Meats
- Peanut Butter and Jelly
- Boxed Cornbread Mix
- Cereal/ Cereal Bars
- Pop Top Soups
- Pasta
- Canned Tuna
- Kid Snacks
Message to Families: 11/12/21
Posted by SBLSD on 11/12/2021
Conferences start next week and will be done via Zoom. Don't forget, we will have early dismissal on conference days. School will be dismissed at 12:15pm and Grab and Go bag lunches will be available.WEDNESDAY (11/17)- 8:45-12:15
THURSDAY (11/18)- 8:45-12:15
FRIDAY (11/19)- 8:45-12:15
TUESDAY (11/23)- 8:45-12:15
VIRTUAL BOOK FAIR wraps up this weekend!
Delivery straight to your home in December! Free delivery on book-only orders of $25+!
*Sign in to ensure Tehaleh Heights Elementary benefits from each purchase you make!* The PTA uses these Scholastic credits to expand the offerings of our classroom and school libraries, and to purchase book prizes for PTA events and contests!
* * * * *
YOU’RE INVITED: PTA General Membership Meeting, Wed., Nov. 17, 6pm, on Zoom
Hopping on our General Membership Meeting every two months is an easy way to get involved in the PTA and show your support for our mission! *Still need to renew your PTA membership for the new school year? Click on through to!
Topic: Tehaleh Heights PTA November General Membership Meeting
Time: Nov 17, 2021 06:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Meeting ID: 229 997 9630 - Passcode: DreamBig
Join Zoom Meeting:
* * * * *
Take a quick scroll through your phone's photo roll and send everything you've got that pertains to the first two months of school to for consideration in the yearbook! * Back to School Night * First Day of School * Spirit Days and Spiritwear * Trunk or Treat Drive-Thru Event * Questions or comments? Email
* * * * *
Please welcome our new PTA Board Members!
Amy Billdt has stepped into the role of PTA Hospitality Chair, which includes supporting our PTA event teams and overseeing staff appreciation activities and the monthly Staff Appreciation Station snack cart!
Jaycee Vincent has joined our board member team as PTA Legislative Chair, representing and advocating for T.H.E. PTA at school board meetings.
A great big thanks to our new PTA Events Chair, Brittany Dela Vega, and her planning team for a fantastic Trunk-or-Treat drive-thru event the evening of Oct. 29th!
We're excited to have Andria Bonney join us as our new PTA Fundraising Chair!
Need to reach any of the rest of us? Feel free to drop us a note:
Jacquelyn Goetz (
Alicia Cloyd (
Ashley Hjorten (
Tasha Cole and Brianne Borden (
Janelle Hizzey (
Kelsey Horne (
Heather DeLong (
The Sumner-Bonney Lake School District is excited to provide your family with a full Thanksgiving meal this November if needed. They will be delivering meals directly to your home on the Saturday before Thanksgiving (November 20th) between 9:30am and 12:30 pm. If your family is in need of Thanksgiving help this year, please click the following link:
or contact our school counselor, Vicki Johnson, 253-891-6530 or The deadline for this is Monday, November 12th.
In addition, if your family is in need of Christmas help, please let Vicki know by November 12th as well.
With the onset of chillier weather, members from East Pierce Firefighters IAFF Local 3520 are ramping up the Coats for Kids (C4K) program again again this year. Please contact our school counselor, Vicki Johnson, if your child is in need of a winter coat. The deadline for this is Monday, November 12th.
Please enjoy this Veteran's Day video created by THE staff and students. A special thank you to Savannah Frederick for her hard work in putting this together.
Message to Families: 11/5/21
Posted by SBLSD on 11/5/2021
Daylight Saving Time ends November 7
Daylight Saving Time ends on November 7th at 2 am. Remember to set your clocks back one hour on Saturday before you go to bed at night.
Elementary Conferences: Half day, Early Dismissal
Elementary schools have conferences over Zoom November 17-19 and 23. During conference days we will have half day, early dismissal at 12:15. Grab and Go lunches will be provided to take home if needed. There will not be any Preschool on these days.
Inclement Weather Reminders
- We will communicate late starts or school closures as soon as possible. Please read and listen to email an phone messages in their entirety. They might seem long, but we don't want you to miss important details.
- Make sure your contact information is up to date in Skyward Family Access. Messages about a change in school schedules are also sent to those designated as an emergency contact.
- If you don't think you are receiving emails from your school or the district, please check your spam/junk/promotions folder. Especially with Gmail accounts, you might need to go into your settings and create a filter to add as a trusted email address.
- You can learn more about our inclement weather procedures at .
Veteran's Day
We will be creating a video for Veteran's day this year with some fun surprises from our students. As part of this celebration, we would like families to send in pictures and information about your family's Veterans using this google form...
Please have this completed no later than midnight on Monday, November 8th.
Counselor's Corner
or contact our school counselor, Vicki Johnson, 253-891-6530 or The deadline for this is November 12th.
In addition, if your family is in need of Christmas help, please let Vicki know by November 12th as well.
With the onset of chillier weather, members from East Pierce Firefighters IAFF Local 3520 are ramping up the Coats for Kids (C4K) program again again this year. Please contact our school counselor, Vicki Johnson, if your child is in need of a winter coat. The deadline for this is November 12th.
Book Fair Scholastic will give back 25% in rewards to our school when you shop NOW – NOV 14. Sign in to ensure Tehaleh Heights Elementary benefits from each purchase you make!
NEW THIS YEAR! Follow the link above and scroll to the bottom of the page to get the full *virtual* Book Fair experience! Find a colorful online bookshop where students will be greeted by their favorite characters! This unique virtual experience offers nearly 300 popular books, with exclusive content like book trailers and author videos!
October 2021
Message to Families: 10/26/21
Posted by SBLSD on 10/26/2021
First of all, I would like to thank you for your partnership, support and patience these past 2 months. We are so happy to have all of the students back in the building full time. This year has brought many challenges for families and staff as we work through Covid protocols. As we negotiate these unprecedented times and follow Covid protocols, we are experiencing higher absence rates for both students and staff. At the same time, all School Districts are facing significant substitute shortages. We are doing everything we can to recruit substitutes for both Teachers and Paraeducators.
We have lots of updates and information about the weeks to come as we finish out the month of October. We are all walking through these ever-changing times one step at a time and we are so thankful to be walking this journey with you!
Trick or Trunk
Our PTA has been busy planning the Trick or Trunk for our families. This will be a drive-thru event in the front THE parking lot. We are looking forward to seeing all our Trailblazers this Friday, Oct. 29th from 6-8pm. It is going to be a spooktacular time!
Friday Spirit Day - Orange & Black!Students are encouraged to participate in our October Spirit Day by wearing Orange and Black this Friday. Students are NOT allowed to wear costumes instead we are encouraging them to wear Orange and Black to show their school spirit.
Fall Conferences Will be Zoomed
Teachers are reaching out to families to schedule Zoom meetings for Fall Conferences on November 17, 18, 19 & 23. Mark your calendars as these days will all be Early Release Days with students being dismissed at 12:15.
Rainbow Challenge
Trailblazers, we need more rainbows in the office! Color/create a rainbow, be as creative as you can be, sign your name and drop it off with Mrs. Anderson in the office.
Thank you for your patience as we continue to refine bus routes. Last week bus drivers went through the process of bidding routes per their collective bargaining agreements. You may notice some busses some later buses for pick-up and arrival for a few days.
Like all schools everywhere . . . We are experiencing a shortage in substitutes at THE. If you know anyone interested in being a Teacher or Para Substitute please encourage them to contact our HR Department at 253-891-6000 to get all the details. You may not need a Teaching Certificate to qualify as an Emergency Teacher Substitute if you have a Bachelor's Degree.
Arrival and Dismissal - Updates and Reminders
Arrival - Ensure they have a Great Day . . Walk your student all the way!
Remember if you are choosing to use the front parking lot as an option for arrival. You must park your car and walk your student to the far crosswalk. It is not safe to allow your students to walk through the parking lot unescorted by an adult. We have seen a huge improvement and THANK YOU to all the parents who have been complying with this request.
Dismissal - Be part of the Team . .. Let us know by 3:15!
The office is a very busy place at the end of the school day. We would like to request your help ensuring your child's safety by letting us know as soon as possible if there is a change in your child's dismissal plans. Please email in the front office by 3:15 if you are making changes to the mode of dismissal for your child. You are also welcome to call if email is not available.
Sandy Miller
Principal, Tehaleh Heights Elementary
Messages to Families: 10/15/21
Posted by SBLSD on 10/15/2021
REMINDER! NO SCHOOL MONDAY, OCTOBER 18, 2021 For Staff Training Day
The Front Office will be closed and all staff will be in a mandatory district training on Monday, October 18th. School will resume normal schedule on Tuesday.
Welcome Amy Anderson as our new Building Secretary!
We are so happy to announce Amy Anderson, longtime PTA mom and former parent, to our building's front office as the Building Secretary! Many of you already know Amy from the community and have been so surprised to see her when you walk into the front office! We are thrilled to get to work alongside Amy everyday here at THE!
A note from the PTA! YOU’RE INVITED!
Attention All Trailblazer families! You’re invited to our our first-ever PTA Trunk-or-Treat Drive-Thru Event, Fri., Oct. 29th, 6-8pm! While this is not your traditional walk-up "trunk or treat" event, you and your family will still have lots of clever trunk displays to see, many neighbors to wave to, and a variety of treats and surprises to enjoy!
*Want to help? We’re on the hunt for Trailblazer parents and neighbors who’d be willing to dress up and help us with greeting, treat distribution and traffic flow! Drop us a note to to volunteer your time and talents!
**Got a TRUNK? We’ve got the TREATS! Click on through to sign up to decorate your trunk for our Trailblazer families to enjoy as they drive through! The trunk theme is “Children’s Books”!
Stay current on all things “Tehaleh Heights PTA” by joining your Class Parents group (“Mr. /Mrs./Ms. _____’s Class Parents 2021-22”) and following Tehaleh Heights PTA on FB.IMPORTANT DETAILS for Safety At Arrival and Dismissal!
Your child's safety is our number one priority here at THE and we need your help with something.We continue to work on reducing the time it takes for morning drop off and afternoon dismissal, while keeping student safety as the priority. Below are a few reminders that will help:
Morning Drop Off
Car Loop - Back of Building:
When dropping of students in the car loop, please remember to advance all the way to the “please pull forward” sign hanging on the fence.
This allows us to use as much of the sidewalk as we can.
Parking Lot:
If you elect to use the parking lot for drop off, we request that you park and escort your child all of the way to the crosswalk by the front office doors.
Please refrain from dropping your student off in our front lot and allowing them to walk unescorted through the parking lot. This is a big safety concern, as this is a high traffic area and some drivers may not be expecting students navigating the parking lot unattended.
Bus Loop:
Please do not use the front bus loop to drop students off.
This loop is for busses only. We have numerous busses that arrive at various times and they need the loop free of cars.
Afternoon Dismissal
Car Loop - Back of Building:
If you are first in line, please wait by the a-frame sign until we have cleared students from using the sidewalk and all recesses are completed.
The a-frame sign will be removed at approximately 3:00 and parents may pull forward to the “please pull forward” sign.
Please have your orange car tag visible. If you need another car tag, let us know.
If you are waiting to talk with a staff member when using the car loop, please pull into the parking stalls so we can keep the line moving.
Parent Playshed Pick-up
Park in the front parking lot and walk to the playshed.
Please have your orange car tag visible (paper or on your phone). If you need another car tag let us know.
Walkers/Bikers alone
Students with parent permission may leave the building and walk or bike alone.
We have noticed that some parents are meeting their child in the parking lot. We know that your child is responsible, but for safety reasons we do not want students walking through the parking lot unattended.
Please meet your child on the sidewalk and escort them through the parking lot.
Monday is late start starting at 10:35 am. Students are allowed on campus at 10:20 am.
Tuesday - Friday school starts at 9:00 am. Students are allowed on campus at 8:45 am.
If you are running late, after 9:00 am (or 10:35 am on Monday) please escort your child to the office to sign them in and do not drop them off in the back of the school.
Picking up early?….Please come into the office by 3:30 pm to sign out your student before all the students are moving at dismissal.
Picture Retake Day Was a Success!!
If you haven't yet, and would still like to, you may order your child's pictures from O'Connor Photography from the link below. If your child had their picture taken at Back to School Night on September 1st, but you did not receive a picture packet, that is because packets only go home to those who ordered pictures. Some students may have taken another picture this week in addition to the one at Back to School Night.
Any questions regarding your pictures, viewing a proof of what was taken, ordering help or concerns, please contact O'Connor Photography directly at their toll free number: 800-993-4929. As mentioned above, the ordering link and their website are:
You can also purchase by visiting their website at:
Special Request From Our Nurse's Office
With the weather changing, we are finding the need for extra clothes becoming necessary. Being a newer building, we don’t currently have many extra clothes in our health room for students to borrow. Any used clothing donations would be appreciated for the health room.
Messages to Families: 10/7/21
Posted by SBLSD on 10/7/2021
Safety At Arrival and Dismissal!
Your child's safety is our number one priority here at THE and we need your help with something.We continue to work on reducing the time it takes for morning drop off and afternoon dismissal, while keeping student safety as the priority. Below are a few reminders that will help:
Morning Drop Off
Car Loop - Back of Building:
When dropping of students in the car loop, please remember to advance all the way to the “please pull forward” sign hanging on the fence.
This allows us to use as much of the sidewalk as we can.
Parking Lot:
If you elect to use the parking lot for drop off, we request that you park and escort your child all of the way to the crosswalk by the front office doors.
Please refrain from dropping your student off in our front lot and allowing them to walk unescorted through the parking lot. This is a big safety concern, as this is a high traffic area and some drivers may not be expecting students navigating the parking lot unattended.
Bus Loop:
Please do not use the front bus loop to drop students off.
This loop is for busses only. We have numerous busses that arrive at various times and they need the loop free of cars.
Car Loop - Back of Building:
If you are first in line, please wait by the a-frame sign until we have cleared students from using the sidewalk and all recesses are completed.
The a-frame sign will be removed at approximately 3:00 and parents may pull forward to the “please pull forward” sign.
Please have your orange car tag visible. If you need another car tag, let us know.
If you are waiting to talk with a staff member when using the car loop, please pull into the parking stalls so we can keep the line moving.
Parent Playshed Pick-up
Park in the front parking lot and walk to the playshed.
Please have your orange car tag visible (paper or on your phone). If you need another car tag let us know.
Walkers/Bikers alone
Students with parent permission may leave the building and walk or bike alone.
We have noticed that some parents are meeting their child in the parking lot. We know that your child is responsible, but for safety reasons we do not want students walking through the parking lot unattended.
Please meet your child on the sidewalk and escort them through the parking lot.
Tuesday - Friday school starts at 9:00 am. Students are allowed on campus at 8:45 am.
If you are running late, after 9:00 am (or 10:35 am on Monday) please escort your child to the office to sign them in and do not drop them off in the back of the school.
Picking up early?….Please come into the office by 3:30 pm to sign out your student before all the students are moving at dismissal.
Thanks for helping us keep kids safe!
Sandy Miller and Angela Kelly
Picture Retakes Are Wednesday, October 13th with O'Connor Photography
For those students who did not get their picture taken last night at Back to School Night, please mark your calendars for Wednesday, October 13th as picture retake day! Preorder your photo package at the links below! Distance Learning students may also get pictures on retake day.
You can also purchase by visiting their website at:
Special Request From Our Nurse's Office
With the weather changing, we are finding the need for extra clothes becoming necessary. Being a newer building, we don’t currently have many extra clothes in our health room for students to borrow. Any used clothing donations would be appreciated for the health room.
October's Character Trait is Be a Leader!
October is all about being a leader and respect!
We believe our students at THE are leaders. To be a good leader, we also have to be respectful of others. We define respect as seeing good in people and things and treating them with care. We are also talking about Respect in the context of using good manners, not using inappropriate or offensive language, being courteous to one another, resolving conflicts peacefully, and treating one another as we would want to be treated (and how they want to be treated!).Beginning this month classrooms will receive visits from our Principal, Mrs. Miller, Assistant Principal Ms. Kelly and our school counselor, Ms. Johnson to dive deeper into how we will be leaders and respectful.
September 2021
Messages to Families: 9/17/21
Posted by SBLSD on 9/17/2021
PTA Information About Student Comfort Kits
A note from your Tehaleh Heights PTA:
A friendly reminder that Student Comfort Kits for all Trailblazers are due to school by Sept. 30th. You can buy a prepackaged Comfort Kit on our PTA website at or make your own. Instructions were included in your back-to-school materials from teachers, or you can find them on our PTA website above. Please also remember that if you are purchasing a prepackaged Comfort Kit via the PTA (which will be delivered directly to school), you will still need to send a few additional personal items in a Ziploc bag for your student - please refer to the instruction sheet that come home with your student or visit for complete details.
Thanks to all who joined us for our first General Membership Meeting Wednesday night via Zoom! A successful PTA is a big group effort and we appreciate all our volunteers and families and who show up in so many ways to demonstrate their support for our students, staff and school! Our next PTA General Membership Meeting is Nov. 17, 7pm - stay tuned for Zoom login.
We invite you to follow us on Facebook and Instagram at Tehaleh Heights PTA and request to join our "Tehaleh Heights PTA Members" group on Facebook, if you're a paid PTA Member. Still need to sign up or renew your membership for the new school year? Click on through to
Picture Retakes October 13th with O'Connor Photography
For those students who did not get their picture taken last night at Back to School Night, please mark your calendars for Wednesday, October 13th as picture retake day! Preorder your photo package at the links below! Distance Learning students may also get pictures on retake day.
You can also purchase by visiting their website at:
Not too Late to Donate for School Supplies!
If you were unable to pay for school supplies at Back to School night, you are still able to pay through Family Access (directions below) or call the front office between 8:00 am and 4:30 pm and ask for Lori who can take your payment over the phone. Thank you for joining in this easy way of getting supplies into your child's classroom.
Messages to Families: 9/2/21
Posted by SBLSD on 9/2/2021
Back to School Night Was Wonderful!
We loved seeing all of you outside at our Back to School Night last night! What a beautiful evening and time we all had meeting some of you for the first time and seeing the rest of you in person again. My goodness how much the students grow over the summer!!
Thank you for making Tehaleh Heights Elementary the exciting and vibrant school it is! We just love ya!
Sandy Miller,
Picture Retakes October 13th with O'Connor Photography
For those students who did not get their picture taken last night at Back to School Night, please mark your calendars for Wednesday, October 13th as picture retake day! Preorder your photo package at the links below! Distance Learning students may also get pictures on retake day.
You can also purchase by visiting their website at:
IMPORTANT!! Parent Pick Up Procedures for 21-22 School Year!
Option 1: Car loop pick up in the back of the school
Car loop pickup will be just like last year. Car tags were passed out last night at Back to School night and you will hang your new orange car tag from your mirror so it is visible. (Please note your car tag number is not the same as last year for returning students). For those who did not get a car tag last night, they will be going home with students on their first day of school. Just give us your student's name as you drive through without a car tag.
Option 2: Walk-up playshed pickup - park in main parking lot.
We will be having walk-up playshed pickup this year but you must:
- park your car in the main parking lot
- cross in the crosswalk by the bike rack
- bring your orange car tag and line up by the playshed.
Lastly, if you would like your child to walk home or ride their bike, we must have a written email or note from you stating that you allow us to release your child to leave campus without adult supervision. We will have a crossing guard to assist them off campus at that time.
As always, we prefer you choose one form of after school dismissal as your default method. If you ever need to change that, please contact the office before 3:20 pm so we can change your child's dismissal method in our system. The front office phone number is 253-891-6530.
Don't Forget School Supply Donation!
If you were unable to pay for school supplies at Back to School night, you are still able to pay through Family Access (directions below) or call the front office between 8:00 am and 4:30 pm and ask for Lori who can take your payment over the phone. Thank you for joining in this easy way of getting supplies into your child's classroom.
August 2021
Message to Families: 8/26/21
Posted by SBLSD on 8/26/2021
Preorder Pictures with O'Connor Photography Link!
Tehaleh Heights Picture Day is Right Around the Corner...
Students will be photographed by O'Connor Photography Studio for their student ID card and school record on September 1st at Back to School Night. If you would like to purchase your student's portraits, click below to pre-order their portraits today!
You can also purchase by visiting their website at:
Don't Forget!! Back to School Night - Wednesday, September 1, 2021 4:30 - 6:00!
We look forward to seeing you at our Back-to-School Night on Wednesday, September 1, 2021 from 4:30 - 6:00 pm!
- This event will be held outside on our playground!
- Come meet teachers and staff members!
- Pick-up your student bus and car tags!
- Student photos in the Launch Pad (masks required while waiting but not in photo) with O'Connor Photography! (see above for ordering).
- Our Nurse Karen will be available for those needing to speak with her or drop off medications.
- Grab a special treat bag from our wonderful PTA!
If you have not already provided your school supply donation please do so as soon as possible through Family Access. See directions below.
Have You Ordered School Supplies?
In order to provide some relief from back-to-school shopping, most elementary schools are asking families to contribute a $20 donation per child to cover the cost of school supplies. Families will be able to pay through Family Access (directions below) or call the front office between 8:00 am and 4:30 pm.
Message to Families: 8/4/21
Posted by SBLSD on 8/4/2021
We’re already looking forward to next school year, when we can see students in person five days a week! We recognize that knowing school schedules in advance is critical for families to plan their work, childcare and other activities. Here are important items to note regarding schedules for next school year as well as a look ahead at key dates for both the 2021-22 and 2022-23 school years.
First Day of SchoolSept. 7: First day of school for grades 1-12
Sept. 10: First day of Kindergarten
Bell ScheduleBell schedules vary by school. Elementary schools will continue to be defined by “early start” and “late start.” Here’s the 2021-22 bell schedule for Tehaleh Heights: THE Bell Schedule
Late-start MondaysWe will continue with a weekly late-start day on Mondays for the 2021-22 school year. Referred to as “Late Start Monday,” these are days when students will catch the bus and begin school about 90 minutes later than other days. This late start schedule one day a week allows teachers to participate in professional learning groups to collaboratively plan, learn and share instructional practices, which increases school performance and student achievement.
School SuppliesIn order to provide some relief from back-to-school shopping, most elementary schools are asking families to contribute a $20 donation per child to cover the cost of school supplies. Families will be able to pay in August through Family Access or at their child’s school when elementary offices reopen on Aug. 24.
Key Dates
Negotiated between the Sumner Education Association and the District, our school calendars are planned far in advance. Here are links to key dates that outline holidays, school board meetings and other events.
2022-23 school year